Social Security - The Question of When?...

For most retirees, Social Security benefits represent their largest financial asset. Yet, a majority of Americans decide when to begin Social Security benefits without any advice. The largest and smartest banks and financial institutions don't train their advisors to provide advice on claiming strategies. Consequently, those advisors are unable to offer quality advice to clients about when to begin benefits.

The rules of Social Security are complicated. Over 70% of Americans claim their Social Security retrement benefits early - and without understanding how the rules can be used to their advantage. Many soon-to-be retirees know that if they wait to claim Social Security benefits, they'll get more money. But what they don't realize is that it's possible to combine rules in a way that produces an optimal result.

Simms Investment Services, LLC is an independently owned wealth management firm. This means we are able to focus our training and education in areas that are important to our clients. We strive to provide solid advice in the area of Social Security claiming strategies. We help you "cut through the clutter" by providing expert advice on how to maximize benefits. We use powerful software created by the authorities in Social Security claiming strategies, and we provide step-by-step instructions on how to file and receive the most in benefits. In addition, we can compare your options side-by-side so you can make the best decision for your family.

Call us today and allow us to show you how an optimal strategy for collecting your benefits may mean more in cumulative benefits. We can show you how the complicated rules of Social Security can actually work together to mean more money for you.